131 Crosslake Park Dr #105 / Mooresville, NC 28117
(704) 662-6001

Bass Lessons That Rock
Bass guitar is so much more than a guitar with two less strings. Bass players are an extremely vital part of the band and are often overlooked. Not at Elevate Rock School in Mooresville. Through our professional bass guitar lessons, students are learning notes, how to read music, rhythm, and how to maintain a bassline. All of these skills will foster their musicianship and apply to any other instrument they choose to explore.
How are these lessons different than other bass guitar lessons in Mooresville? Along with honing their skills, students will act as the lead bassist in their own band. They will dictate the groove and how the song feels and flows. Students will truly experience how their instrument fits in with the other instruments in the band. This part of the lesson program is jam packed with fun and tons of learning opportunities. There is so much to learn about being on stage and playing with others. At Elevate Rock School – Lake Norman, it ALL comes together.
Let's Get Started